Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - 26th October
Jim McGrath wins £64,000

Congratulations to Jim McGrath, General Secretary of the Northern Quiz League and former MQL Vice-Chairman, who won £64,000 on ITV's 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' on Saturday 26th October 2002. On the way to £32,000 he needed help from the audience to confirm his hunch that 'ganache' was a chocolate and cream filling. Having reached that guaranteed sum, he used his two remaining lifelines (including his 'phone a friend' John Cooper) to correctly answer that the Cook Islands formed a territory of New Zealand.

The £125,000 question was who wrote 'An Awfully Big Adventure'? (Ans. Beryl Bainbridge) - not knowing the answer he wisely decided to take the money!

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