
Tuesday 1st October 2019
Set Ref:
61B05BLD. Answers correct as at December 2018

Round 1
1a Who, as chief of the Nazi Secret Police in WW2 was known as the 'Butcher of Lyon'? Klaus Barbie
1b Which car company makes the Corsa Griffin? Vauxhall
2a After which US city did Kim Kardashian and Kanye West name their third child in January 2018? Chicago
2b Whose music did Donald Trump say he liked '25% less now' after she endorsed Democrat candidates? Taylor Swift
3a Which artist designed the light installation 'I want my time with you', displayed in St Pancras International Railway Station? Tracey Emin
3b Which English artist designed ‘The Queens Window’ in Westminster Abbey, unveiled in September 2018? David Hockney
4a Researchers announced the discovery of a subglacial lake on which planet in July 2018? Mars
4b What unusual sight did NASA photograph floating in the Weddell Sea off Antarctica in October 2018? A rectangular iceberg

Round 2
1a Which common woodland plant has the Latin name hyacinthoides non scripta? Bluebell
1b Digitalis purpurea is the botanical name for which plant? Foxglove
2a Near which Swiss town is the Cresta Run? St Moritz
2b In which century did 25% of Europe’s population die of plague? 14th
3a The hyoid bone is found in which part of the body? Neck (throat)
3b The scaphoid bone is found in which part of the body? Wrist
4a Which playwright created the character Willy Loman? Arthur Miller
4b What is the name of the Ancient Greek who became, quite possibly the first actor in European history? Thespis

Round 3
1a Japanese Director Akira Kurasowa’s film 'Rivers of Blood' was based on which famous play? Macbeth
1b In which African country would you find the ‘Murchison Falls’? Uganda
2a How many points are awarded to the winner of a Formula One Grand Prix race? 25
2b Who is the current Secretary General of the United Nations? Antonio Gutteres
3a In which Spanish city would you find the ‘El Greco’ museum? (He lived there for most of his life)? Toledo
3b In which racquet sport was New Zealand’s Robert Fahey world champion from 1994 to 2014? Real tennis
4a Who is the proprietor of the fictional 'No 1 Ladies Detective Agency'? Precious (accept Ma) Ramotswe
4b Which cartoon character had vital statistics which were all exactly the same? Olive Oyl (19-19-19)

Round 4
1a Australia’s Premier horse race is the 'Melbourne Cup'. Name either the racecourse or the state in which the race is held, Flemington/Victoria
1b Welsh actor Desmond Llewellyn played which character in 17 James Bond films? 'Q' (Major Boothroyd)
2a In which country is Europe’s busiest port? Netherlands (Rotterdam)
2b On which famous landmark would you find the letters ‘MDCCLXXVI’? Statue of Liberty
3a In 1954, which British singer/actress was the first to play ‘Miss Marple’ on screen? Gracie Fields
3b Post 1945, only two players have received full caps for England at both football and cricket. Name either. Arthur Milton/Willie Watson
4a A group of which birds are known as a pandemonium? Parrots
4b Which Hollywood star has received the most acting Oscar nominations? Meryl Streep

Round 5
1a Which suffragist is the subject of a statue by Gillian Wearing, unveiled in Parliament Square in Autumn 2018? Millicent Fawcett
1b On which island was Napoleon born? Corsica
2a Who elopes with Shylock’s daughter Jessica in the Shakespeare play ‘The Merchant of Venice’? Lorenzo
2b Who elopes with Hermia in A Midsummer Night’s Dream? Lysander (accept Demetrius)
3a Which group released a 2002 album ‘A Rush of Blood to the Head’? Coldplay
3b Which literary critic wrote ‘The Great Tradition’, published in 1948? F R Leavis
4a Mononucleosis (or Mono) is better known as which illness? Glandular fever (accept kissing disease)
4b Which actress is known for her roles in ‘As good as it gets’ and ‘Twister’? Helen Hunt

Round 6
1a Which wading bird is on the crest of Burnley Football Club? Stork
1b The first Football World Cup finals were held in which country? Uruguay
2a In which European city is the Museum of Bags and Purses? Amsterdam
2b Dumbo’s friend Timothy is which animal? Mouse
3a Goat’s horns are made of which substance? Keratin
3b How many Olympic Gold Medals does Usain Bolt have? Eight
4a Who founded the HABITAT chain of stores? Terence Conran
4b How many triple word squares are there on a Scrabble board? Eight

Round 7
1a Who wrote 'The Rector's Wife' and 'The Chair'? Joanna Trollope
1b Which poet wrote 'The Whitsun Weddings'? Philip Larkon
2a In which country would you eat a ginger-snap biscuit called 'Pepparkakor' at Christmas? Sweden
2b In which country are 'Oliebollen', deep fried dumplings served around Christmastime? Holland (accept Belgium)
3a Which country offered political asylum to ‘Wiki-Leaks founder Julian Assange? Ecuador
3b Name the former Israeli Prime Minister who, having suffered a stroke in 2006, died in January 2014? Ariel Sharon
4a In the novels by JRR Tolkien, who is Lord of the Rings? Sauron
4b What was the title of the 1978 sequel to the 1970’s 'Love Story'? Oliver's Story

Round 8
1a Name the confectionery that was advertised with the tag line ‘Get That Friday Feeling Every Day of the Week'? Cruncjie
1b Name the confectionery that was advertised with the tag line ‘Do You Love Anyone Enough to Give Them Your Last One'? Rolos
2a Which artist created ‘The Rake’s Progress’ in 1735? William Hogarth
2b Which artist painted ‘The Persistence of Memory’ in 1931? Salvador Dali
3a Who composed the choral work ‘Spring Symphony’ premiered in 1949? Benjamin Britten
3b Who composed the cantata ‘Belshazzar’s Feast? William Walton
4a Where in the human body would you find the Tectum? Brain
4b Where in the spine of human body would you find the Cervical Vertebrae? Neck

Spare Questions
1 Who played Gladys Pugh in 'Hi-DE-HI'? Ruth Madoc
2 Which Verdi opera is based on the story of 'The Lady of the Camellias'? :a Traviata
3 Name the famous book by James Hilton, about the life of a school master, that was later made into a film(s)? Goodbye Mr Chips

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