
Monday 25th February 2013
Set by Warrington

Round 1
1a Who was appointed Chief Secretary to the Treasury immediately after the 2010 General Election?
David Laws
1b Which World War 2 operation (later known as Operation Jubilee) took place on 19th August 1942?
Raid on Dieppe
2a Which High Street company went into administration in early November 2012?
2b Hagar was the mother of which of Abraham's sons?
3a In which Bond film does the villain's car turn into a small aeroplane to enable him to escape?
The Man With the Golden Gun
3b Who had a not hit in 1983 with the song 'Electric Avenue'?
Eddy Grant
4a Gibbons and orang-utans are types of which creature?
4b Which car company makes the Berlingo?

Round 2
1a Which Dutch physicist formulated the Wave Theory of light?
Christian Huygens
1b Which Persian king released the Hebrews from Babylon?
2a Which TV character had the catchphrases "Permission to speak, sir?" and "Don't panic"?
Corporal Jones (Dad's Army)
2b Members of which pop group were jailed in Russia after performing an anti Putin song in Moscow Cathedral?
Pussy Riot
3a Who resigned as CEO of Barclay's after the LIBOR tax rate scandal?
Bob Diamond
3b Who is the former Formula 1 racing driver who won a Paralympics Cycling Gold Medal at London 2012?
Alex Zanardi
4a Which word can be a golf term, a Space vehicle or a one time boy's comic?
4b Which artist was accused by art critic John Ruskin of "flinging a pot of paint in the public's face"?
(J.A.McN.) Whistler

Round 3
1a Li Yung became very famous in 2012, why did she make international news?
China's first female astronaut
1b Who, now an Honorary Professor of Media Studies at Liverpool John Moores University, wrote the autobiography 'Mid Term Report'?
Phil Redmond
2a Who was the son of Odysseus and Penelope?
2b Which explorer discovered the Victoria falls on the River Zambezi?
David Livingstone
3a Who is to host the series 'Sing for your Supper' on Channel 5?
Chris Evans
3b Which was the first Plague inflicted on Egypt to persuade the Pharaoh to release the Israelites?
Turned the Nile to blood
4a Acetylene (or Ethyne) is formed by the action of water on which substance?
Calcium Carbide
4b In which country is the wine growing region, Bekaa Valley?

Round 4
1a Which Wigan and GB rugby league player played for the Barbarians against Australian Wallabies in late 2011?
Sam Tomkins
1b Who currently presents the Radio 1 Breakfast Show?
Nick Grimshaw
2a The first space satellite 'Sputnik' was launched in which year?
2b How is the term "If anything can go wrong, it will" commonly known?
Murphy's Law (or Sod's Law or Kushner's Law)
3a In the nursery rhyme, who saw the sparrow kill Cock Robin?
The Fly (with my little eye)
3b What nickname was given to Margaret Thatcher during her time as Prime Minister?
Iron Lady (or TINA)
4a Which British warship was sent to patrol the Falkland Islands in 2012?
HMS Dauntless
4b Who became President of Egypt in June 2012?
(Mohammed) Morsi

Round 5
1a Joel Tomkins was transferred from Wigan to which rugby union club in 2011?
1b Since leaving his radio show, Chris Moyles has taken on which part in the musical 'Jesus Christ Superstar'?
King Herod
2a The first commercial Concorde flight from Paris to Rio de Janeiro took place in which year?
2b What name is given to the maxim "employees tend to rise to their level of incompetence."?
Peter Principle
3a In the nursery rhyme, which was the last creature eaten by the woman who swallowed a fly?
A Horse (she's dead of course)
3b In German politics who was known as the Iron Chancellor?
4a Which British warship was sent up the Thames to provide security cover for the 2012 Olympic Games?
HMS Ocean
4b Who is the Prime Minister of Australia?
Julia Gillard

Round 6
1a Which scientist formulated the law of elasticity in 1660?
Robert Hooke
1b The Analects, or Lunyu, dating back to approximately 450 BC is a collection of sayings and ideas of which philosopher?
2a Which TV character had the catchphrase "Listen very carefully; I shall say zis only once"?
Michelle ('Allo 'Allo)
2b Who had a hit in 2012 with the song and video 'Gangnam Style'?
3a Nick Buckles is CEO of which company that failed to supply sufficient personnel for the 2012 Olympics?
3b Which cricketer was killed by a Tube train in Wimbledon in June 2012?
Tom Maynard
4a Which word can be a fruit, a language, a country's one-time ruler or a type of duck?
4b Whistler painted 'Arrangement in Grey and Black', version no.1 was of his mother, which philosopher and historian was the subject of version no.2?
Thomas Carlyle

Round 7
1a Which substance forms the explosive component of dynamite?
1b In which country is the Swat Valley?
2a In 2012, who became the first man to travel faster than the speed of sound without vehicular power when he jumped from a helium balloon at a height of approximately 24 miles?
Felix Baumgartner
2b Who has written the novels 'A Tiny Bit Marvellous' and 'Oh Dear, Silvia'?
Dawn French
3a Who was the son of Daedalus?
3b Which explorer discovered Lake Victoria and the source of the Nile?
John Speke
4a Which ex-policeman, played by Denis Lawson is the new character in the TV series 'New Tricks'?
Steve McAndrew
4b Which was the first of the 12 Labours of Hercules?
Slaying the Nemean Lion

Round 8
1a Who became Shadow Chancellor after the 2010 General Election?
Alan Johnson
1b What happened at Scapa Flow on 21st June 1919?
German fleet was scuttled
2a Which Japanese company has bought Horizon Nuclear Power and so has the contract to build nuclear power stations in Britain from 2015?
2b Who was the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel?
3a In which Bond film does his car convert to a submarine to enable him to escape?
The Spy Who Loved Me
3b Name either of the singers who had a hit with 'Together in Electric Dreams' in 1984?
Giorgio Moroder or Phil Oakey
4a Oryx, Kudu and Gnu are types of which creature?
4b Which car company makes the Twingo?

Spare Questions
1 In World War 2, what code name was given to the Allied airborne landings at Arnhem in 1944?
Market Garden
2 Sarah was the mother of which of Abraham's sons?
3 Who was the Australian opening batsman who faced the first ball, scored the first run and the first century in Test cricket?
Charles Bannerman

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